Getting the Most Out of Group Learning
Are you thinking about your plans for the next school year? You might be considering enrolling your child in homeschool enrichment classes. We want to share some practical advice and encouragement for homeschool families, so we surveyed our teachers to find out how...
It is the Best of Times….to Study American Government!
By Elizabeth Cuvelier Charles Dickens began his classic writing A Tale of Two Cities with this profound passage: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch...
Is art obsolete in a ChatGPT/AI/STEM world?
We’ve come a long way since artists pounded minerals, insects, and even gold into powder, mixed those with oil, and then poured them into pig bladders for storage. And when an American artist, living in France, invented the first paint tube, artists finally emerged...
Five Ways CHESS Prepared Me for College and Beyond
Daniel Glenn attended CHESS from 2012-15 and is a recent graduate of Christopher Newport University. The author or editor of several articles about the Civil War era and American legal history, he now studies at William & Mary Law School. I remember sitting...
Reflection Paper: My Best Teacher
I had a lot of great teachers growing up who shaped and molded me into the person I am today. One of those teachers was my mom since I was home schooled for most of my life. I can remember my amazing vocal teacher, Mr. Lash, my wonderful third grade teacher, Mrs....
John Jenkins and Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich Instructions
How a simple peanut butter and jelly technical writing assignment set the stage for my successful career in software development. John Jenkins and Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich Instructions In high school (2003-2007) I took multiple writing classes with John...
“Rogue gangs of teenagers plague the city!”
“Rogue gangs of teenagers plague the city!” After a few hundred news reports like that, you might be tempted to watch your back every time anyone under 20 walked your way. But maybe you don’t know there are Christian homeschooled kids meeting together weekly in...
Advice from Homeschool MomsÂ
Advice from Homeschool Moms What advice do you have for a new homeschooling family? Don’t stress about the younger grades too much. They learn by doing life with you! Do your homework before starting high school and know what you need to do before you begin...
CONSIDER HOMESCHOOLING! Recently, several articles based on statistics have pointed to the growing declines in scores in subject areas such as math, reading, and history. As an alternative educational option, homeschooling can provide students with the freedom...
The Rewards and Challenges According to Homeschool Moms
What led you to homeschool? As a young, married couple stationed on a base in Germany, we were exposed to several homeschooling families. We liked the dynamic we saw within the families. The children and parents seemed well connected, and we knew we wanted that. We...
CHESS ExpoThursday, March 2ndNEW TIME! 6:30-8:30 p.m. 8730 Sudley Road, ManassasManassas Baptist Church Rock Building Cafeteria Join us for an evening of inspiration and encouragement! Students and parents, come get a vision for your next year of homeschooling. Hear...
Hear it from Homeschool Moms: “Why I Homeschool”
Parent Survey Questions & Responses A. Why did you choose to homeschool? B. What are the benefits of homeschooling? Or what is the greatest benefit of homeschooling? C. How has CHESS helped you homeschool? Amy Anzures: A. My husband and I believe a Christ centered...