“Rogue gangs of teenagers plague the city!”


October 26, 2023

“Rogue gangs of teenagers plague the city!”

After a few hundred news reports like that, you might be tempted to watch your back every time anyone under 20 walked your way. But maybe you don’t know there are Christian homeschooled kids meeting together weekly in Manassas. They take courses in foreign languages, math, science, government, English, art, P.E. and more! And, there’s an often unnoticed group of teenagers at CHESS who are ministering angels. I’m not exaggerating one whit.

After two major back operations, I am no longer the able-bodied woman who used to drag in multiple suitcases and bags of art supplies. In fact, I not only need help rolling my suitcases, but I need someone to roll ME into the building if the classroom is very far from the parking lot. It’s tempting to long for the past. But, then the kids show up.

WHAT, pray tell, did the parents of these teens SAY to so many of them to develop such kind compassionate hearts? How did they train them to see someone who needs help and model showing up regularly to meet needs with a smile, not just give lip service?

Was I that teenager growing up? I was not.

I’m embarrassed to admit that I barely noticed people with special needs when I was a teen. Which makes my gratitude to my CHESS angels all the more profound, now that I’m the one needing help. My teens gallop toward me with cheerful faces, ready to help when it would be so much easier to look the other way and pray nobody made them help the gimpy teacher.

CHESS teens have enabled me to continue teaching, the greatest joy of my life. I can now enjoy the process of teaching, not the obstacles that stand in my way.

All thanks to my CHESS Angel Platoon.

Betsy Dill

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