Hear it from Homeschool Moms: “Why I Homeschool”


November 30, 2020

What led you to decide to homeschool?

We started homeschooling for multiple reasons. We wanted to give our children a more personalized, one-on-one school experience. Class sizes are atrocious right now and we feel that more personalized attention helps children succeed.

What has been hard about it?

I would say that for me the hardest thing about homeschooling is twofold; wondering if we’re doing the right thing for our children keeping them at home, and wondering if we’re giving them a good education.

What has been rewarding?

There are a ton of rewards to homeschooling but I think the absolute best one is how well I know my children now and the wonderful relationship we have together!

What do you feel is most important about it?

I love and think it’s important to personalize my children’s education to their pace and interests, but the most important part of homeschooling is to be a part of a community. Even though you’ve decided to homeschool your kids that doesn’t mean that you can/should do it alone. It’s so important to be able to talk to other homeschool parents and hear how they’re handling things and for your kids to know that they aren’t alone. I couldn’t imagine not having another family to share my difficulties and triumphs with and know that I am not alone in either!

If you could go back and talk to yourself as you were making the decision to homeschool now, what would you tell yourself?

If I could go back to the beginning I think I would remind myself to breathe and take it one day at a time, one year at a time. There are going to be good days and bad days. Embrace the good ones and step back from the bad ones.

What curriculum does your family use? Do you use different ones for each child?

We’ve used a bunch of programs over the years. It’s really important to match the program you use with your kid’s learning styles. Mine have always liked stories and reading so we’ve used both Sonlight and Trail Guides to Learning, which are complete curriculums minus math. For math we’ve used both Horizons and Math-u-See. I love Apologia for science!

What advice do you have for a new homeschooling family?

My advice to a new homeschooling family would be three-fold. First, decide what’s right for you and your children at the time. What is right for now might not be right later, for you or your child. Take things year to year. Talk about it as a family, but also just with your spouse. Second, have support in place! Do not go it alone. Find a homeschool community for both you and your kids to socialize and share with. Finally, enjoy the flexibility homeschooling provides!!! Do schoolwork at the park, on a blanket on your lawn, a bean bag, anywhere. Stay in your pajamas if you want. Get out and see things related to what you’re studying. Let your kids put their hands on things and see it in person. Take their birthday off and celebrate them. Don’t be afraid to walk away from a bad day; be flexible and have a flexible schedule.

How has homeschooling benefitted your family?

Homeschooling has been amazing for my family! Homeschooling has allowed my husband and I to give our kids a great education in any place we’ve lived, and no matter the situation. We get to focus on what we value and think is important for our children to learn, and not what society suggests. In addition, as a military family my husband’s time off was never normal. Homeschooling allowed us the flexibility to take off and spend time together as a family when his schedule allowed. Finally, I know my kids so much better than I ever did before! My mom used to take care of my kids for me while I was at work. When the time came to buy them birthday or Christmas presents I never knew what to get for them and my mom did. She always found presents for them that they loved!  Now no one knows my kids the way I do. I know their hearts! I know that our relationship, as they grow, has a wonderful foundation!!! We are so much closer as a family because of our homeschooling experiences.

How has your homeschooling experience compared to your other experiences with education?

I definitely think you can get a good education in both public or private schools. My husband and I are both products of a public education. I definitely think that homeschooling is not for everyone and doesn’t fit every situation. However, I have loved my homeschooling experience, most days :), and think it has really benefited our family!! I will look back, even on the tough days, and be grateful for the extra time we had together as a family and the opportunities homeschooling provided us.

Amanda – Homeschool Mom

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