Enrolling in Classes at CHESS

Enrolling in Classes at CHESS


Ready to sign your family up for our exciting classes? Here’s how!


How to Enroll

Quick Reference

  1. Read about CHESS
  2. Browse and search for courses
  3. Create a free StudyPlace account and add courses to your cart
  4. Complete the enrollment process, make your payment, fulfill prerequisites if any
  5. Look for your email confirmations


1. Read about CHESS before enrolling

A careful reading of these documents, also found in the Prospective Families tab, will help you understand CHESS’s basic operating principles, which are key to knowing if CHESS is a good fit for your family. During the enrollment process, before you check out of your cart, you will be prompted to confirm that you have read and agreed to the “Family Participation Agreement” and the “Tuition, Fees, Payments, and Refunds” and “COVID Protocol” documents.

2. Browse and search for courses

In our Course List, you can browse and search for courses and bookmark them for easy access with no log in required, at any time. Feel free to look around and reach out to us at tara.taylor@chessclasses.org, 703 753-1901 if you have any questions. Click on a course to see a more detailed description, prospectus, prerequisites, grade levels, and the tuition price. Be sure to read the teacher’s prospectus for the course, which will provide you with important details such as textbooks needed, a description of the parent’s role, teacher contact information and any additional class fees which are paid directly to the teacher.

3. Create a free StudyPlace account and add courses to your cart

On the Course List page, create a free account for your family. Be sure to include your phone number, address, and emergency contact information. Register each student who will be enrolling in courses. You can then select courses and add them to your cart. You will be prompted to confirm that you have read and agreed to the “Family Participation Agreement” and the “Tuition, Fees, Payments, and Refunds” documents before you can enroll in a course.

4. Complete the enrollment process

  • While in your cart, click on Enroll Now, then Confirm Enrollment. Your invoice screen will appear next and you can then make your payment. Please note, the invoice screen may take a minute to refresh.
  • Make your initial payment.
  • Ensure your student fulfills the prerequisites (if any) for the course.

When you click Enroll Now, a notification will show that your seat is either held (reserved) or waitlisted (if the class is full). You must click CONFIRM ENROLLMENT to complete the process so that your seat is held (or put on the waitlist). Only held seats will appear on your payment screen; you are not billed for waitlisted seats. Please note: Enrolling in a course does not guarantee an approved seat.

After enrolling, CHESS will consider the held seats for approval once the initial payment is received and after the prerequisites (if any) for the course have been met. CHESS reserves the right to approve or disapprove a seat for any reason.

5. Look for your email confirmation

  1. Enrollment confirmation: Once you have enrolled, you will receive a follow-up email notification with further instructions and details for each course in which you enrolled. We recommend you keep a copy for your records.
  2. Receipt of payment confirmation: Once CHESS receives your payment; you will receive an email notification.
  3. Enrollment approval confirmation: Once CHESS approves your enrollment; you will receive a final email notification; please note this process may take a few weeks.

You can check the status of your seat in your family StudyPlace account anytime, under the enrolled courses tab. If you have any questions about this process, reach out to us at tara.taylor@chessclasses.org, 703 753-1901. 

When can I enroll?

Registration opens in early March for currently enrolled families and closes in mid-August. Families can browse and search for classes and bookmark courses for easy access, with no login required, at any time here: https://chess.studyplace.us/course/list/

How will I know when my seat is approved?

When you click the confirm enrollment button in your cart, your seat will be either be held or waitlisted. Seats are approved or disapproved after your tuition payment is received and the prerequisites (if any) are satisfied for the course. You will receive an email for each course in which you have enrolled with the status of your seat. You can also check the status of your seat in your family account, under the enrolled courses tab. When your seat moves from held to approved, or from waitlisted to held, you will receive an email notification. Please note: CHESS reserves the right to approve or disapprove a seat for any reason.

What if my seat is waitlisted?

You are encouraged to keep your student’s name on the waitlist because changes occur and seats may become available. You may want to consider enrolling in another section of the course (if available) held at a different time or day. We may open another section of a course if we have additional families that are waitlisted. Give us a call if you’d like to discuss your options at 703-753-1901.

Can I drop a class after I enroll?

After you have enrolled, you have two days to drop a class before incurring a drop fee. Refer to the “CHESS Tuition, Fees, Payments & Refunds” document for more details.

Can I add another class after I register?

Sure! Just add the class to your cart and complete the enrollment process.

What are my tuition payment options?

CHESS allows you to spread your payment over two installments with the following dates:

  • When you enroll
  • August 1

See Tuition, Fees, Payments & Refunds for more options.

Can I get any discounts on my tuition?

Yes! Please refer to the “Tuition, Fees, Payments and Refunds” document to find out about discounts, volunteering and scholarships.

What if not enough students sign up to run my class?

A class requires a minimum of seven students in order to run. If a class does not have enough students, it may be canceled. Class cancelations will be announced in August. Anyone whose class was canceled will have the opportunity to choose replacement classes if seats are available.

Will CHESS give me a transcript?

The teachers at CHESS issue grades or evaluations; however, CHESS is not a school. The responsibility for creating a transcript lies with the homeschooling parent.

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